发布时间: 2012-06-08
课程题目:河岸崩塌机理及模拟研究授 课 人:Dr. Andrew Simon
授课人单位:Cardno-ENTRIX公司高级咨询师; 美国密西西比大学兼职教授;英国诺丁汉大学特聘教授
Date Time ContentJune 10 PM (3:00-5:00) Lecture 1-2June 11 AM(9:00-12:00) Lecture 3-4 PM (2:30-5:00) Lecture 5-6June 12 AM(9:00-12:00) Lecture 7-8 PM (2:30-5:00) Lecture 9June 13 AM(9:00-12:00) Lecture 10 PM (2:30-5:00) Lecture 11-12June 14 AM(9:00-12:00) Lecture 13-14 PM (2:30-5:00) Discussion for further cooperation
联 系 人:拟听课的学生请发邮件至夏军强老师的邮箱 xiajq@163.com以便于准备资料(邮件内容:姓名、学号、专业、指导教师等信息)
课程简介:This series of lectures is designed for students concentrating in fluvial geomorphology, water-resources engineering, stream investigation, management, stabilization and restoration. The course is designed to clearly demonstrate the essential links between force and resistance in process-based geomorphic investigations, research, analysis, design, project implementation, and post-project evaluation. Lectures will introduce the fundamental concepts linking streambank processes and geomorphic adjustments in the fluvial system. Field methods to rapidly evaluate the relative stability of alluvial channels and to quantify force and resistance mechanisms that control streambank-erosion processes, failure mechanisms, and the importance of basal scour to sustained bank retreat will be described in detail. Hands-on modeling will provide students with the opportunity to investigate the factors which control bank stability, while also recognizing the significance of these factors when designing mitigation measures. All students will be provided with bank-stability modeling software (with sound effects) for future use, and other relevant technical documents or papers.
课程提纲:1. Fundamental Concepts in Fluvial GeomorphologyPrinciples of channel adjustment , conceptual framework, force and resistance in fluvial and geotechnical processes, thresholds, types of equilibrium, time scales, roles of vertical and lateral changes, channel evolution2. Role of Streambank Erosion in Adjustment and Sediment Yields Sediment contributions from streambanks, widening in channel adjustment, effect of boundary resistance on adjustment3. Mechanics of Streambank Erosion Bank stability processes, forces affecting shear strength, pore-water pressure effects, hydraulic erosion processes4. Integrating the Effects of Vegetation Hydraulic versus geotechnical effects, root reinforcement, hydrologic and hydraulic effects5. Field Methodologies: Reconnaissance InvestigationRapid geomorphic assessments (RGAs), application to watershed studies and reference conditions6. Field Methodologies: Detailed Investigation Data requirements, Iowa Borehole Shear Tester, equipment for bank-toe erodibility, bulk unit weight7. Bank-Stability Modeling: A Brief History Chronology of modeling approaches, simple models, process-based models, predicting bank failure8. Introduction to the Bank-Stability & Toe-Erosion Model (BSTEM)Model development, assumptions, input requirements, applications, and appropriate interpretation of results9. Bank-Stability and Toe-Erosion Model: Example UseStep-by-step instruction on data input and use of toe-erosion sub-model, geotechnical sub-model, and RipRoot (root reinforcement model).10. Application of BSTEM in Design of Bank Stabilization MeasuresDescription of BSTEM to design a sustainable bank-stabilization project in an incised channel: Goodwin Creek, Mississippi, USA11. Application of BSTEM to Quantify Reductions in Sediment Loads Resulting from Bank ProtectionExample case study to test effectiveness and applicability of mitigation measures, Lake Tahoe, California, USA12. Use of BSTEM to Evaluate The Effectiveness of Engineered Log Jams to Reduce Sediment Yields to the Great Barrier ReefExample case study from the O’Connell River, Queensland Australia13. Ongoing Research to Integrate BSTEM with Hydraulic and Sediment-Transport ModelsStatus of work to integrate BSTEM with 1-D and 2-D hydraulic and sediment-transport models; with example applications.
14. Channel Disturbance and Evolution: Controls and Implications for Stream Restoration and Targets for SedimentSynthesis of principles of fluvial geomorphology and channel adjustment to application of approaches to stream restoration.
CV of Dr. Andrew Simon:
Andrew Simon, Ph.D.Senior Consultant/GeomorphologistOxford, MS
Discipline/Specialty Fluvial Geomorphology Channel Evolution Streambank Mechanics and Modeling Effects of Riparian Vegetation on Channel Dynamics Watershed-Scale Evaluations Water Quality Targets for SedimentEducation Ph.D., Earth Resources, Colorado State University, 1992 B.A., Geography, State University of New York at Buffalo, 1976
Professional Affiliations American Geophysical Union Australia Rivers Institute, AUS British Geomorphological Research Group, UK River Restoration Northwest University of Nottingham, UKSelect Publications Simon, A., and Collison, A.J.C., 2002, Quantifying the mechanical and hydrologic effects of riparian vegetation on streambank stability. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 27, 527-546. Simon, A., Bennett, S.J., and Castro, J., 2011. (Eds.), “Stream Restoration in Dynamic Fluvial Systems: Scientific Approaches, Analyses, and Tools” American Geophysical Union, Geophysical Monograph Series, Volume 194, 2011. 500 pages
SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONSDr. Simon is a geomorphologist with 32 years of experience in mechanistic analysis of unstable-channel systems, channel evolution, streambank erosion, cohesive-sediment entrainment, the role of riparian vegetation, “reference” sediment-transport rates, and river restoration, working on projects throughout the United States and around the globe. His expertise is in quantifying the effects of imposed channel and landscape disturbances, and mitigation measures on channel response and sediment loads. He is an internationally recognized scientist and project manager, designing field, laboratory and numerical-modeling studies, leading and participating in field data collection, analyzing and synthesizing data, and preparing technical reports. He is the author of more than 100 technical publications and the editor of several books. Dr. Simon has designed, conducted, and managed projects focusing on the adjustment and evolution of channel systems, development of a mechanistic bank-stability model for stream restoration, sources and magnitudes of sediment delivery, quantifying potential sediment-load reductions according to restoration strategy, determining “reference” rates of sediment transport for TMDL development, and US climate trends over the past century.