
发布时间: 2011-05-11

报告题目:The Mechanics of Debris Flow (泥石流的力学机制)
报告人: Dave Chan  教授 Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Alberta

Description of Presentation

Debris flow is a natural phenomenon that occurs in mountainous terrains. The flow process is usually initiated by slope failure at high ground followed by rapid mass movement along steep channels. Debris can grow in size due to erosion of the channel, called entrainment, and it can become smaller due to deposition along the channel as levies and depositional fans. Debris is mainly composed of soil and rock of a wide range of sizes and it can include trees, vegetation and other materials collected in its path. Water is a common element in debris and the presence of water changes its flow characteristic dramatically.

The presentation will discuss the mechanics of debris flow and various numerical techniques to calculate the velocity and extend of the flowing mass. Discussion will include the phenomenon of liquefaction since liquefaction can dramatically increase the mobility of the material. Laboratory test and case histories are used to study the effectiveness of the models in debris flow analysis.


陈教授1979年12月于加拿大麦克马斯特大学McMaster University本科毕业,1981年硕士获硕士学位,1986年12月获加拿大阿尔伯塔大学University of Alberta博士学位。1997年任加拿大大埃尔伯塔大学土木与环境工程学院教授。现任在加拿大埃尔伯塔大学University of Alberta土木与环境工程学院任副院长。2010年受聘为武汉大学客座教授。

近五年共发表90篇期刊论文和会议特邀报告,曾在数十种主要国际会议上做大会专题发言。撰写的论文于1999和2001年获得加拿大土木工程师协会最佳论文奖。主持NSERC、Hong Kong Research Grant Council以及FSIDA, University of Alberta等5个基金项目。

现任加拿大岩土工程学报Canadian Geotechnical Journal副主编、加拿大埃德蒙顿土木工程师协会理事长,香港土木工程学会委员、英国土木工程师学会委员。

陈教授在岩土材料的本构模型和计算机数值仿真方面开展了在国际上具有相当影响的独创性研究。发展了基于有限元法的岩土体复杂变形问题解决方法,包括应变局部化、蠕变以及应力跌落的数值模拟技术。提出了模拟岩土散粒体大变形和泥石流的离散有限元方法。上述研究已经成功应用于多个实际工程,包括Ontario Place滑坡、Hardy Dam、Alameda Dam以及比萨斜塔的变形分析等。