
发布时间: 2010-06-09


报告题目:Lessons Learned from Deforming Dams             报告人单位:University of Alberta,Canada 报 告 人: Dave Chan  Professor



Dr. Dave Chan is currently a Professor and Associate Chair of Research and Development of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Alberta in Canada.  Dr. Chan has been involved in the analysis in a number of large geotechnical structures.  His expertise and research interest lies in computer analysis of soil deformation, constitutive modelling, liquefaction and soil mobility analysis.  He has published many papers on computer analysis in geotechnical engineering.  He has provided geotechnical consulting advice on a variety of projects from site investigation to construction, to state of the art finite element simulations on the deformation and stability of building foundation, tunnels and earth structures.  He is the associate editor of the Canadian Geotechnical Journal and the two times recipient of the R.M. Quigley Award for best paper published in the Canadian Geotechnical Journal.