【水科学讲坛】第36讲:4月25日上午10:00Cardiff University 谢志华教授学术报告通知

发布时间: 2023-04-21

报告题目:Large-eddy simulation in hydraulics and fluid-structure interaction

报  告 人:谢志华  教授

邀  请 人:夏军强  教授

时      间:2023年4月25日(星期二)上午10:00

地      点:八教8208会议室


Turbulent multiphase flows with complex structures are often found in many hydraulic and coastal engineering applications. In this talk, recent developments of an in-house large-eddy simulation code Xdolphin3D for turbulent multiphase flows and fluid-structure interaction are introduced. The volume-of-fluid method together with the continuum surface force model for the surface tension have been implemented to capture the air-water interface, which can accurately simulate a range of free-surface flow problems, including the turbulence statistics and coherent structures. For the simulation of complex geometries in a fixed Cartesian grid, a novel Cartesian Cut-cell method has been developed, which allows the representation of fixed or moving bodies in the flow. Some numerical examples are shown to provide some insight into flow physics and also to demonstrate the capability of the numerical tool developed.
