发布时间: 2021-11-25
“Global Climate Change and Water System Impacts” 系列主题学术讲座(讲座议程)
报告题目:Watershed Health, Vulnerability and Resilience Analysis for Protection and Restoration Priorities of South Korea
报 告 人:Prof. Seongjoon Kim
邀 请 人:金钟硕教授,陈杰 教授
时 间:2021年11月26日(星期五)下午2:30-3:30
地 点:国家重点实验室学术报告厅(农水楼一楼)
Zoom会议(ID: 873 912 5358)
Prof. SeongJoon Kim is President of Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers (KSAE) (2018~2019), Professor of Konkuk University, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering (1998~ Present) in Seoul, South Korea. He has over 30 years of research experiences related to hydrology, water quality, aqua-ecology modeling using GIS and Remote Sensing technologies. Research activities include: (1) climate change studies of future hydrology and water quality to adapt and mitigate the impacts on watershed; (2) distributed storm runoff modeling coupling with weather radar data; (3) evaluating best management practices for reducing nonpoint source pollution discharge loads from agricultural watershed. Recent work included the future heavy snowfall impact on agricultural facilities. His current research is the cause identification of drying streams through distributed continuous hydrological modeling with several decades data development of land use change, forest density, road construction, groundwater use, and soil erosion processes. His degrees are from Seoul National University (B, MS, and Ph.D of Agr Eng). He has over 500 publications in both popular and refereed International and Korean journals.
A good watershed management can be defined as the integrated and repetitive decision process to maintain the sustainability of resources through balanced use and conservation of water quantity, land, vegetation, and other natural resources within the watershed. With the watershed health assessment system, we can have more success in restoring impaired water sand get the many socio-economic benefits from the healthy watershed. Through the integrated assessment results, the local government can get the helpful information of curing weak component of watershed health among water supply, water quality, and natural ecosystem or their interactions. The main objective of this study is to suggest an application strategy for protection and restoration priorities at the watershed scale based on watershed health, vulnerability, and resilience assessments introduced by U.S. EPA.