发布时间: 2021-11-17
“Global Climate Change and Water System Impacts” 系列主题学术讲座(讲座议程)
报告题目:Climate change and river ecosystems: threats and solutions
报 告 人:Prof. Joo-Heon Lee
邀 请 人:金钟硕教授,陈杰 教授
时 间:2021年11月19日(星期五)下午2:00-3:00
地 点:国家重点实验室学术报告厅(农水楼一楼)
Zoom会议(ID: 873 912 5358)
Joo-Heon Lee obtained his PhD from Kyung Hee University, Korea. Now Dr.Lee is a professor of Civil Engineering Department at JoongBu University and also the vice Chair of UNESCO IHP Korea National Committee. His research area primarily focus on drought (monitoring & forecasting), climate change (vulnerability & adaptation), hydrometeorology, eco hydrology, hydrologic extremes (flood & drought) and remote sensing. He has received numerous awards, such as the Service Merit Medal of Korea by Republic of Korea, Minister’s Award of Best Faculty by Ministry of Education of Korea, Awards of Top 100 Outstanding Research & Development(R&D) in Korea, Best Paper Award of the Year 2013/2016 by Korea Water Resource Association (KWRA) and Academic Award of the Year by KWRA, to name a few. Also, he is the professional society membership of Korea Society of Civil Engineers (KSCE), KWRA, International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering Research (IAHR) and International Water Resources Association (IWRA).
Since the 1970s, most rivers in Korea have been managed with a focus on flood control and water supply due to economic growth and urbanization, industrialization.
An environmentally damaged river has a limitation in that it cannot be completely restored to its original natural state. The river of the future has a complex purpose of maintaining the river engineering function as much as possible while also reviving the function of habitat for various aquatic organisms. To restore the habitat of the river ecosystem, it is necessary to quantitatively evaluate the environmental flow required for the river ecosystem and to review the method of securing and supplying environmental flow.
In this study, HEC-EFM (Ecosystem Function Model) was used to assess the environmental flow considering the habitat conditions of river aquatic organisms. Gam River Basin, where a multi-purpose dam was built in 2013, was selected as a study watershed, and changes in environmental flow due to dam construction and hydrological environment changes in consideration of future climate change scenario, as well as changes in environmental flow and river ecosystem habitats, were investigated.