发布时间: 2021-03-25
报 告 人:崔鹏教授 中国科学院院士
时 间:2021年3月26日(星期五)上午9:30
地 点:武汉大学樱顶老图书馆
先后主持完成了国家自然科学基金杰出青年基金、重点基金,科技部973计划项目等多项重大科研项目,曾先后获得国家科技进步奖二等奖、四川杰出创新人才奖、世界水土保持协会(WASWC)“杰出研究者奖”、中国科协“全国优秀科技工作者”等奖项和荣誉,共发表论文400余篇,其中SCI 128篇、EI 122篇,CSCD 272篇,主持撰写专著6部,获发明专利16项(其中美国发明专利1项)、软件著作权3项。
Brief Introduction of Professor Cui Peng
Prof. Peng Cui, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is a leading scientist in physical geography and water and soil conservation. He currently serves as the Co-Director General (Chinese side) of China-Pakistan Joint Research Center on Earth Sciences, Co-Director of Alliance of International Science Organizations on Disaster Risk Reduction (ANSO-DRR), Science Committee Member of IRDR of ISC/UNDRR. Prof. Peng Cui is the Chief Editor of the Journal of Mountain Science, and also the Vice-Chief Editor in Progress in Geography and Science of Water and Soil Conservation. He has published more than 400 papers, and owns 16 patents, 3 software copyrights, 7 monographs.
Prof. Cui has been long engaged in geo-hazards researches with a focus on debris flow, landslide, and dammed lake, as well as in water and soil conservation studies. He has led over 30 major national projects. He has made outstanding achievements in hazard formation and movement mechanism, fostering condition, risk assessment, monitoring and early warning. His integrated disaster risk reduction and mitigation theories and techniques have been widely adopted during the mega natural hazards treatment in China and other countries, such as earthquakes in Nepal and large dammed lake in Pakistan.
As an eminent scientist in China, he has also made great contributions to the scientific and technological collaborations between China and Pakistan. He has a profound affection for Pakistan and its people, being dedicated to the bilateral scientific collaborations and disaster risk reduction and mitigation along the Karakoram Highway. He co-initiated the China-Pakistan Joint Research Center on Earth Sciences with Professor Asif Khan, aiming to establish a national science, technology and education platform, contributing to the CPEC construction and China-Pakistan S&T collaborations.