10月22日下午3:30美国加利福尼亚大学尔湾分校Russell Detwiler博士学术

发布时间: 2018-10-19

报告题目:Challenges associated with subsurface fluid injection: Quantifying the influence of coupled geochemical and geomechanical alteration of fractured rocks

报告人:Russell Detwiler 博士,美国加利福尼亚大学尔湾分校

邀请人:杨志兵  教授




     The ability of geologic seals (caprocks) to prevent leakage of fluids injected into the deep subsurface is critical for minimizing risks associated with greenhouse-gas sequestration, waste disposal, and natural-gas production. Fractures and faults caused by tectonic or injection-induced stresses create potential leakage pathways. Fluids migrating through leakage pathways react with the host rock leading to mineral dissolution and/or precipitation, which may reduce or enhance migration of injected fluids to shallow aquifers and the atmosphere. Predicting which outcome is more likely requires improved understanding of the coupled hydrologic, geochemical, and geomechanical processes that control the evolution of fracture permeability. I present results from laboratory experiments aimed at quantifying these coupled processes. The experiments include both low-pressure/low-temperature analog systems that allow detailed quantitative measurements of evolving transport properties and high-pressure/high-temperature experiments in rock cores from relevant geologic formations. Results from experiments support the development of mechanistic computational models that allow us to explore the impact of coupled geochemical and geomechanical processes at larger scales than is possible in laboratory experiments.
