
发布时间: 2018-09-23


报告人:王乃玉 博士, 浙江大学

邀请人:曹子君  教授



       王乃玉, 2010 博士毕业于佐治亚理工学院,师从美国工程院院士、《Structral Safety》主编Bruce Ellingwood 教授。 毕业后在美国结构咨询公司SGH做高级结构分析顾问。 2013年入职俄克拉荷马大学,任Tenure-Track Assistant Professor、博士生导师。 其间主持多项美国政府资助的科研项目, 包括:国家标准局(NIST) 、自然科学基金(NSF),交通部(DOT)、水资源研究基金(WRF)等,直接承担科研经费逾400万美元。2018年被聘为浙大研究员。 以第一作者和通讯作者在领域内著名期刊和国际会议上发表论文30余篇,特邀报告20余次。学术兼职包括: 美国土木工程师学会“荷载规范承载力设计”专家委员会成员(ASCE 7 Su bcommittee on Load Combinations; Member); 美国土木工程师学会“建筑生命周期安全性、可靠性及结构系统风险”专家委员会成员(ASCE Council on Lifecycle Performance, Safety, Reliability, and Risk of Structural Systems; Member);  SCI收录的学术期刊 Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure编委;  2014及2018年美国自然科学基金会评评委等。 目前主要从事城市韧性和城市功能可恢复性研究。


     The resilience of an urban community( 韧性城市) is defined by its ability to prepare for, withstand and recover from natural or man-made hazard events, which depends on the collective performance of its built environment and supporting social, economic and public institutions. Timely recovery from a natural disaster represents an important dimension of community resilience, yet is one of the least understood components in community risk management. While many communities are moving toward enhancing their resilience to natural hazards through proactive planning and changes to engineering practices, there are neither an integrated policy framework nor readily available tools to improve community recovery outcomes owing, in part, to the lack of practical and quantitative community recovery models.  This presentation will 1) highlight the significant research challenges facing recovery modeling of spatially distributed physical infrastructure systems, such as building portfolios, roadway systems, power and water networks; 2) introduce novel methodologies to simulate the integrated recovery of such spatially distributed and functionally interdependent systems; and 3) illustrate how such methodologies can support risk mitigation strategies and planning decisions towards better recovery outcomes of a community as a whole.

