
发布时间: 2018-07-20

报告题目:Lessons Learned from Forensic Investigations of Premature Failures and Pavement Rehabilitation Strategies in Texas

报告人:陈达豪 资深研究员 美国德州农工大学

邀请人:刘勇 教授




陈达豪博士,美国德州农工大学(TAMU)资深研究员,Innovative Infrastructure Solutions (Springer)创刊主编、Sustainable Civil Infrastructures(Springer)副主编、International Journal of Geomechanics(ASCE)副主编、Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities(ASCE)副主编、美国国家学术评判委员会委员、美国土木工程师协会工程司法鉴定委员会委员、美国交通研究委员会(TRB)之土和岩石性能测试委员会(AFS20)委员、评判各州公路合作研究计划、美国交通研究委员会(TRB)之铺面维修技术委员会(AFD70)委员、美国交通研究委员会(TRB)之设计和施工先进技术委员会(AFH30)委员。



     Forensic investigations of pavement failures are critical, as the information gained can be used to identify the underlying causes of the problem, develop an optimal rehabilitation strategy, and to resolve construction disputes. Knowledge of the presence and extent of subsurface defects is critical to prevent the problem from reoccurring. The use of nondestructive testing techniques (NDT) such as GPR and Total Pavement Acceptance Device (TPAD) are well established within the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT).  For rehabilitation projects, it is critical to identify weak spots and then to apply localized repairs before placing a structural overlay. A NDT survey in coordination with augering, coring, and DCP testing can rapidly determine the extent and cause of the problem.  This testing provides a comprehensive evaluation of subsurface conditions about the entire project.  These techniques have been used to resolve hundreds of problematic projects and are applicable to a wide range of forensic studies of premature failures and pavement rehabilitation studies. Numerous case studies and lessons learned will be presented in this seminar.
