7月2日上午9:00 日本山口大学蒋飛助理教授学术报告通知

发布时间: 2018-06-29

报告题目:Lattice boltzmann method for multiphase flow in porous media
报告人:蒋飛  助理教授  日本山口大学
邀请人:胡冉  副教授
时  间:2018年7月2日(星期一)上午 9:00
地  点:国家重点实验室学术报告厅(农水楼一楼)


  Dr. Jiang is an assistant professor at Yamaguchi University in Japan. His research focuses on the study of numerical modelling for investigating the mechanical behavior and transport in porous media. He received his B.E. in Mechanical Engineering from the Nanjing University of Science and Technology, and Ph.D. in Earth System Science and Technology from Kyushu University, Japan. He has published a series of academic papers, including Water Resources Research, Physical Review E, International Journal of Greenhous Gas Control, etc.

  Understanding of the transportation processes and fluid flow through geological porous media helps in various engineering applications, for instance, gas transport, oil extraction, CO2 sequestration, and many more. However, it is still a great challenge to efficiently model and simulate the complex flow and transport process in porous media due to the multi-scale and multi-physics nature. In this talk, I will present an overview of my research projects relating to the aforementioned challenges. This talk contains: (1) A digital rock physics (DRP) approach, which include imaging and digitizing the pore space and mineral matrix of natural rock and numerically simulating various physical processes in this digital object to obtain such macroscopic rock properties as permeability, etc; (2) A large scale numerical simulator for investigating the pore-scale multi-physics phenomena including multi-phase flow and chemical reaction; (3) A mathematical model for topological characterization of the heterogeneity of rock pore geometry, based on which a new empirical equation is developed to predict the effective elastic modulus of porous media; (4) A finite element solution of poro-mechanical problems for describing the interaction between the solid deformation and the fluid flow in a fluid-filled porous medium.