6月27日南洋理工大学BK Low教授学术报告通知

发布时间: 2017-06-22

报告题目:Reliability-based design of foundations and retaining walls, and how it complements partial factor design approach            

报告人:BK Low教授  南洋理工大学


      Prof. LOW Bak Kong(刘墨光) 本科毕业于麻省理工学院,1979年获得麻省理工学院硕士学位,1985年获得加州大学伯克利分校博士学位,先后于1996年在香港科技大学、1997在德州大学奥斯汀分校、2006年在挪威岩土所(NGI)开展合作交流研究,现任南洋理工大学终身副教授。刘墨光教授主要从事岩土工程可靠度设计以及边坡稳定性分析、地下岩石工程和地基处理等方面的确定性和概率分析方法研究,是岩土工程可靠度与风险领域的国际著名学者,共发表学术论文60余篇,参编英文专著3部,Web of Science核心合集引用1100余次(H-Index = 17),其中在基于表单环境的岩土工程实用可靠度分析与设计方面的相关研究成果得到国际同行广泛引用和认可,发表于ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics的两篇代表性论文单篇SCI被引均超过100次。刘墨光教授2000年入选ASCE Fellow,现任Computers and Geotechnics编委,国际土力学与岩土工程学会工程风险评价与管理技术委员会(TC304)委员。


      Geotechnical design approach has evolved over the years from the global factor of safety approach to the recent partial factor design approach (e.g. Eurocode 7 and LRFD). Yet another approach which can overcome certain limitations and ambiguities of partial factor design approach is the reliability-based design (RBD) approach via the first-order reliability method, which can reflect problem-specific parametric uncertainties, sensitivities and correlations in a way partial factor design approach cannot. This presentation offers relatively transparent and intuitive perspectives of reliability index and design point in the original space of the random variables, and example geotechnical RBD of foundations and retaining walls incorporating parametric uncertainties, correlations and spatial variability. The insights revealed in RBD of foundations and retaining walls and how RBD can complement partial factor design approach will be discussed.
