
发布时间: 2017-05-19

报告题目:(后)灌溉发展时期亚非农业水分生产率研究 (Agricultural water productivity for and post irrigation development in Africa and Asia)


      Xueliang Cai has over 10 years’ international working experience in Asia, Africa, and more recently, theNetherlands. He has a strong academic background combining irrigation engineering, remote sensing/GIS,hydrology, crop water use and productivity. His scientific interests and experiences are on efficient andproductive agricultural water uses through assessment of land use, evapotranspiration, and crop waterproductivity using remote sensing combined with modeling and field experiments.      Today Cai works with the water accounting group of UNESCO-IHE. His current research activity focuseson crop water productivity assessment through Python based open source SEBAL model automated for anumber of satellite sources. He is applying the tool in six countries to help improve Asian DevelopmentBank’s on-going investments in irrigation. Cai is also increasingly involved in teaching, graduate studentsupervision, and providing training to clients from many countries.