3月29日美国缅因大学Shaleen Jain教授学术报告通知

发布时间: 2017-03-23

报告题目: Water Management and Policy Innovations in a Changing Climate: Integration of Resource, Hazard, and Stewardship Considerations

报告人: Shaleen Jain教授,美国缅因大学土木与环境工程系


地点: 国家重点实验室学术报告厅(农水楼一楼)


      Water resources management and policy (WRMP) has evolved to achieve a high level of sophistication stemming from developments in systems analysis, stochastic and physical hydrology. Recent recognition of the important role of climate variability and change and climate-induced nonstationarities has illuminated concerns with respect to the adequacy of current WRMP approaches, as well as the need to integrate climate-hydrology-ecology to better realize goals linked to water resources sustainability. In this presentation, I discuss some emerging research questions facing water resources sustainability concerns, and present examples from place-based studies that seek to deliver usable knowledge in support of decision-making and policy. Examples include the changes in seasonality of extreme rainfall and their impacts on coastal communities, adaptive water policy design in a changing climate, and anticipating climate-induced thresholds in lake-watershed systems.
