7月9日英国斯旺西大学Eduardo de Souza Neto教授学术报告通知

发布时间: 2015-07-07

报告题目:RVE-based multiscale theory as a tool for the computational modelling of solids
报告人:Eduardo de Souza Neto 教授
报告人单位:英国斯旺西大学(Swansea University)



       Multi-scale modelling of solids is an area of increasing interest within the applied and computational mechanics community. Multi-scale concepts allow the development of new models to describe the constitutive behaviour of solids by including information at two or more physical scales. Development of models of this type, in particular with the use of computational homogenisation methods based on Finite Element procedures, is currently under way. Computational multi-scale techniques lead to formidable tasks from the computing point of view. Therefore, the overall efficiency of the multi-scale framework needs to be optmised to allow its use in the solution of practical problems. In this context, computational techniques stemming from the expertise of this research group are under development, which so far have produced substantial reductions in computing time. Further developments are foreseen in the near future.

Eduardo de Souza Neto教授简介:
       Prof de Souza Neto是英国斯旺西大学工程学院Zienkiewicz计算工程中心教授。其所在英国斯旺西大学辛克维奇(Zienkiewicz)计算工程中心(原土木与计算工程中心)在国际计算力学界享有盛誉。近年来Neto教授与Owen教授(英国皇家学会与皇家工程院两院院士,USA工程院外籍院士,中国科学院外籍院士)密切合作,使研究组在计算力学研究领域、尤其是多尺度建模方面长期保持国际领先。在国际计算力学Top期刊 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering发表论文60余篇。
