【水科学讲坛】第45讲:英国伯明翰大学Stefan Krause教授学术报告通知

发布时间: 2024-05-14

报告题目Groundwater – surface water interfaces as hotspots of contaminant transport and transformation

报 告 人:Prof. Stefan Krause

邀 请 人:刘德地  教授

时     间:2024年5月14日(星期二)下午3:30

地     点:水资源国重大楼A区202会议室


Dr. Stefan Krause is a Professor of University of Birmingham. He serves as a Royal Society Industry Fellow, Vice-President of the International Commission of Water Quality, and Chair of the Birmingham Water Council. His research focuses on the ecohydrology and biogeochemistry of groundwater-surface water interfaces. Professor Krause has led and contributed to over 60 major research grants,securing external funding of over £20 million, and has supervised 36 PhD students and 20 postdoctoral researchers. He has published over 200 scientifie papers, including contributions to top journals such as Nature and Science Advances, with an H-index of 47 and over 7000 citations.
