【水科学讲坛】第46讲:苏黎世联邦理工大学James Kirchner教授学术报告通知

发布时间: 2024-05-19

报告题目: Instructive surprises in the hydrological functioning of landscapes

报  告 人:Prof. James Kirchner

邀  请 人: 刘攀   教授

时      间: 2024年5月19日(星期日)下午3:00

地      点: 水资源国重大楼A区202会议室


Prof. James Kirchner是一名杰出的科学家,其研究领域涵盖水文学、环境地球化学、地貌学、进化生态学和古生物学。 他目前的大部分工作集中于山间溪流的流动、化学和地貌。他在达特茅斯学院获得学士和硕士学位,在宾夕法尼亚大学获得博士学位。 来自加州大学伯克利分校。 1991 年至 2010 年,他是伯克利分校的教职人员,最近担任的职务是高盛物理科学杰出教授和伯克利中央山脉实地研究站主任。他目前是瑞士联邦技术大学苏黎世联邦理工学院环境系统物理学教授,教授水文学和环境流体力学。 2007 年至 2012 年,他担任瑞士联邦森林、雪和景观研究所 (WSL) 所长,领导着 550 名科研人员,并一直担任高级科学家。他于 2008 年成为美国地球物理联盟会士(AGU Fellow)。他是2013 年欧洲地球科学联盟巴尼尔德奖章(EGU Bagnold Medalist)获得者(对地貌学的基础性贡献)和2016年美国地球物理联盟朗贝因讲师(AGU Langbein Lecturer)。


Landscapes receive water from precipitation and then transport, store, mix, and release it, both downward to streams and upward to vegetation. How they do this shapes floods, droughts, biogeochemical cycles, contaminant transport, and the health of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Because many of the key processes occur invisibly in the subsurface, our conceptualization of them has often relied heavily on physical intuition. In recent years, however, much of this intuition has been overthrown by field observations and emerging measurement methods, particularly involving isotopic tracers. I will summarize key surprises that have transformed our understanding of hydrological processes at the scale of hillslopes and drainage basins. These surprises have forced a shift in perspective from process conceptualizations that are relatively static, homogeneous, linear, and stationary to ones that are predominantly dynamic, heterogeneous, nonlinear, and nonstationary.

As time permits, I will also outline new methods for quantifying landscapes' nonlinear and nonstationary behavior directly from observational data.  These methods reveal that some catchments exhibit much more nonstationary and/or nonlinear behavior than others do. They also show that some catchments exhibit strong spatial heterogeneity in their response to precipitation, resulting from spatial heterogeneity in land use and subsurface characteristics. Results from this approach may be informative for catchment characterization and runoff forecasting; they may also lead to a better understanding of short-term storage dynamics and landscape-scale connectivity.
