新加坡国立大学Zihao Tang博士后研究员学术报告通知

发布时间: 2024-05-26

报告题目:Performance of riprap protection as scour reduction around a vibrating monopile

报  告 人: Zihao Tang  博士后研究员

邀  请 人: 杨逸凡   教授

时      间: 2024年5月26日(星期日)下午3:00-4:30

地      点: 水资源国重大楼A区202会议室


Zihao Tang is now a Research Fellow at the National University of Singapore. He completed his PhD in Civil Engineering at The University of Auckland, New Zealand, where he specializes in developing scour countermeasures for offshore wind turbine monopile foundations. His research outputs include papers in renowned journals like Coastal Engineering, Ocean Engineering, and the Journal of Hydraulic Engineering. His publications cover topics such as the performance of riprap armouring, collar protection, MICP protection for monopile foundations, hydrodynamic forces and pressure scour of submerged bridge decks, with a strong focus on mitigating the impacts of local scour.


With the thriving of ocean renewable energy, offshore wind energy has been rapidly implemented worldwide. Local scour induced instability of offshore wind turbine monopiles is one of the critical problems. To overcome the scour induced structure failure, various kinds of countermeasures were proposed and tested. Riprap rocks or concrete-made artificial riprap are the most applicable bed armouring methods. To facilitate future design and engineering efforts, new empirical equations were proposed for estimating edge scour depth, subsidence depth, and maximum downstream scour depth, and a novel method is presented for assessing riprap failure under combined vibration and clear water conditions.
