【水科学讲坛】第48讲:新西兰皇家科学院Bruce Melville院士学术报告通知

发布时间: 2024-05-26

报告题目:Local scour at bridge crossings

报  告 人:Bruce Melville 院士

邀  请 人: 杨逸凡   教授

时      间: 2024年5月26日(星期日)下午3:00-4:30

地      点: 水资源国重大楼A区202会议室


Bruce Melville is Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Auckland. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of New Zealand and a Distinguished Fellow of Engineering New Zealand. His academic career spans 40 years, prior to which he spent 6 years working for civil engineering consultants in NZ and overseas on water-related projects. He is an active researcher with an international reputation in the field of fluvial sediment transport and a particular focus on scour at hydraulic structures, including bridge foundations, grade control structures and submerged weirs. He is a founding member of the Centre for Infrastructure Research and is Associate-Editor of the (ASCE) Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, has served on local and international research committees, and has been a member of many tribunals for water consent hearings. He served on the IAHR Council for 6 years. He has supervised more than 35 PhD students and published over 210 refereed journal papers. He received the 2002 ASCE Hydraulic Structures Medal, in recognition of his contributions in the field and was elected to fellowship of the Royal Society of New Zealand in 2006. In 2007, he received the R.J. Scott Medal from RSNZ for his research contributions and in 2012 he received the Dobson Supreme Technical Award in Transportation Infrastructure. In 2011, he was promoted to Distinguished Fellowship of IPENZ and was awarded a Hood Travelling Fellowship. He received the Henderson Oration Award in 2014 and, in 2020, the Distinguished Membership Award of IAHR Asia-Pacific Division.


The presentation covers recommended estimation methods for most components of local scour at bridge crossings, including abutment/contraction scour, an update of the SMY (Sheppard, Melville and Yang) method for local pier scour, an estimation method for scour due to floating woody debris, and an update of the method for estimation of scour due to vertical contraction, the so-called pressure scour. Each of the recommended methods is included in the 2022 final report, “Scour estimation for Roads and Maritime Services NSW (TfNSW)”.
