【水科学讲坛】第61讲:澳大利亚技术与工程院院士Helen Cleugh教授学术报告通知

发布时间: 2024-09-09

报告题目:Land surface evaporation and its role in the Earth’s climate system

报  告 人: Helen Cleugh  教授

邀  请 人:张  橹   教授

时      间: 2024年9月19日(星期四)上午10:00

地      点: 水资源国重大楼A区202会议室


Dr Helen Cleugh is an atmospheric scientist whose career has spanned research discovery, delivery and leadership. She completed her PhD at the University of British Columbia in Canada, became a Lecturer at Macquarie University in 1987, and worked in CSIRO as a Research Scientist from 1994 to 2022. She is currently an Honorary Professor at the Australian National University. Dr Cleugh is a Fellow of both the Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering (ATSE) and the Australian Meteorological Society (AMOS). She was a member of the World Climate Research Programme’s Joint Scientific Committee from 2015, and Vice Chair from 2019, until 2023. Dr Cleugh was inaugural Director of CSIRO's Climate Science Centre from 2017 to 2020 and, for over a decade prior, she was a senior leader of CSIRO’s climate and atmospheric research. Her leadership roles including building collaborations within CSIRO and nationally, including national research infrastructure for terrestrial observations (NCRIS TERN and OzFlux) and Earth System Models (NCRIS ACCESS-NRI). Her research explores the influence of land-air interactions on climate, carbon uptake and water availability, and how this affects carbon and water resource management, environmental outcomes, and climate. Her research has provided data, information and knowledge for resource managers, urban planners, and decision and policymakers.


Land surface evaporation, the water used in evapotranspiration, along with the net uptake of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems, plays a key role in influencing the climate locally, across regions and globally. These feedbacks between the land, atmosphere, climate and hydrology are profoundly important in a diverse range of applications, from planning cities to adapt to and mitigate climate change; to managing water resources and planning for water availability under a changing climate; to developing nature-based solutions to de-carbonising the economy; to improving weather and climate models.

As I will show, these topics have been an enduring theme throughout my career of research, as an atmospheric and climate scientist, and research leader. Drawing on this experience, my presentation will firstly review land surface evaporation, its various definitions, and measurement and modelling approaches. I will then illustrate the critical importance of land surface evaporation across a range of practical applications, such as urban planning, improving agricultural productivity, catchment water availability and climate change. Given this, I will then reflect on some of the “grand research challenges and opportunities” that have the potential to transform our knowledge of land surface evaporation and our ability to utilise this information.
