发布时间: 2023-08-31
报告题目:Numerical simulation of desiccation crack in concrete
报告单位:法国梅兹大学报告人: 卞汉兵 副教授报告时间:2011年7月19日下午3:00报告地点:国家重点实验室学术报告厅(农水楼四楼会议室)
卞汉兵副教授简介 卞汉兵,男,1975年5月生。1998年毕业于河海大学建筑工程专业。2004年底获法国教育部全额奖学金,2007年获土木工程博士学位(PhD)。2007年至2009年在法国里尔科技大学工程师学院任教,同时为里尔力学实验室研究人员。2009年9月被法国梅兹大学工学院聘为土木工程专业副教授(终身教职)至今。曾受邀在日本足利工业大学作访问研究。主要研究领域为THM耦合及其在结构和岩土工程中的应用,非饱和砂土在动力荷载作用下液化数值模拟,岩土材料在耦合荷载作用下裂缝的形成和扩展研究, 2007年以来,发表国际杂志和会议文章20多篇, SCI源刊5篇。
报告摘要 This seminaris devoted to present a numerical analysis of crack initiation andpropagation due to hydromechanical coupling in concrete. The mechanical behaviorof concrete is described by an isotropic damage model. The onset of macroscopiccrack is seen as a consequence of coalescence of diffuse material damage, whichis defined by a specific critical damage value. The propagation of localizedcrack is studied in the framework of eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM). Eachcrack is considered as a discontinuity surface of displacement. A tensilestress-based criterion is used for the determination of crack propagationorientation. Furthermore, spatial variations of mechanical properties ofconcrete are also taken into account using the Weibull distribution function.The proposed model is applied to numerical analysis of a concrete liner in thecontext of feasibility study for geological storage of radioactive wastes. Thefurther applications in hydraulic engineering are also abord.