
发布时间: 2023-05-24

报告题目:The impacts of groundwater pumping on streamflow depletion and environmental flow needs

报  告 人:李 强   教授

邀  请 人:程 磊   教授

时      间:2023年5月25日(星期四)上午10:30-12:00

地      点:水资源工程国重大楼A区202会议室


李强,西北农林科技大学林学院教授、博士生导师,入选2020年国家青年人才项目,现主持科技部十四五重点研发计划“典型脆弱生态系统保护与修复”专项青年科学家项目。李强教授的研究方向为森林生态水文学,主要研究兴趣是气候和森林对水文过程的影响机制,地下水与地表水交互作用。李强教授先后在加拿大维多利亚大学(University of Victoria)、加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚(University of British Columbia)和加拿大新纽伦布瑞克大学(University of New Brunswick)从事博士后、博士、硕士研究工作。先后在Global Change Biology、Hydrology and Earth System Sciences和Journal of Hydrology等发表SCI文章36篇,并多次在美国AGU年会、加拿大地理协会等国际会议作口头报告。


Groundwater pumping can cause streamflow depletion by reducing groundwater discharge to streams and/or inducing surface water infiltration and hence affecting environmental flow needs in rivers. Analytical and numerical models are two standard methods used to predict streamflow depletion. Numerical models require extensive data and efforts to develop robust estimates, while analytical models are easy to implement with low data and experience requirements but are limited by numerous simplifying assumptions. In this talk, I will introduce a novel approach that balances the shortcomings of analytical and numerical models: analytical depletion functions (ADFs), which include empirical functions expanding the applicability of analytical models for real-world settings. ADFs can be used as a stand-alone tool or part of decision-support tools as preliminary screening of potential groundwater pumping impacts when issuing new and existing water licenses while ensuring streamflow meets environmental flow needs. Finally, I will introduce a baseflow approach to establish environmental flow needs for the watershed management in the Okanagan basin, Canada.
