
发布时间: 2023-05-23

报告题目:From Ecohydrology to Watershed Ecosystems

报  告 人:魏晓华 教授

邀  请 人:程  磊  教授

时      间:2023年5月25日(星期四)上午9:00-10:30

地      点:水资源工程国重大楼A区202会议室


魏晓华博士,加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚大学 (University of British Columbia)地球与环境科学系流域生态水文研究首席科学家,教授。从事流域生态水文、森林生态、气候变化方面的研究。国际刊物ECOHYDROLOGY(流域生态水文)副主编及中华海外生态学会的主席(2012-2014), 国际林联(IUFRO)森林、水文与土壤专项委员会(Task Force)的协调人,共发表文章200篇。


Our understanding of water or water-related processes and functions significantly evolves from fragmented and sector-based water processes to one-water sheme to watershed ecosystem-based paradigm. It is increasingly recognized in both research and resource management communities that protecting and managing water must be conducted with a watershed context. However, implementing such an approach is challenging due to barriers of fragmented disciplines and governance. In this talk, I will explore why and how we should move ecohydrology to watershed ecosystems, and discuss both significance and challenges using some real examples.    
