
发布时间: 2020-11-13

报告题目:Global warming, CO2fertilization, and changes in aridity
报  告 人:杨雨亭研究员,清华大学
邀  请 人:刘德地 教授
时      间:2020年11月20日(星期五)下午3:30-5:30
地      点:国家重点实验室学术报告厅(农水楼一楼)


     The response of terrestrial water availability (and thus aridity and drought) to future climate change is a key concern in the hydrologic and related scientific communities, and for society in general. Assessment of climate model projections using off-line aridity/drought indices has concluded a substantial terrestrial drying trend over global terrestrial environments towards the end of the 21st century. However, this 21st-century drying trend based on aridity/drought indices contradicts direct climate model outputs of increases in runoff and vegetation productivity, suggesting a reduction in future aridity in many regions from hydrological and agricultural perspectives, respectively. Here we show that this contradiction is largely attributed to the ignorance of CO2fertilization effect on vegetation in traditional off-line impact models. Additionally, we offer an effective, physically-based yet relatively simple way to account for vegetation response to elevated CO2in off-line impact models. The new method is then used to re-assess future changes in aridity and drought from multiple perspectives.


      杨雨亭,清华大学水利水电工程系副教授、特别研究员、博导,Journal of Hydrology、Remote Sensing of Environment副编辑(Associate Editor),Environmental Research Communications、Science of Remote Sensing编委(Editorial Board Member)。2013年毕业于清华大学水利系获博士学位,2013-2018年先后在澳大利亚弗林德斯大学、澳大利亚联邦科工组织(CSIRO)、澳大利亚国立大学从事研究工作,2018年获国家人才项目资助回到清华大学工作。主要研究方向涉及生态水文、遥感、全球变化及环境物理等方面。至今已在相关领域国际权威期刊发表SCI学术论文60余篇,包括Nature Climate Change、Sciences Advances、Water Resources Research、Global Change Biology、Geophysical Research Letters等,被引2000余次。获得2013年清华大学优秀博士论文一等奖、2014年弗林德斯大学早期研究员校长奖、2016年Water Resource Research年度最佳论文奖、2018年亚太地区地球科学协会水文分会“Kamide Lecturer”、2019清华大学学术新人奖等荣誉,并多次受邀在国际学术会议上做大会/分会报告。
