
发布时间: 2019-11-29

会议名称:Seminars on Uncertainty Quantification and Propagation

邀请人:曹子君 教授

语  言:英语

时  间:2019年12月2日上午9:00—12:10

地  点:水利水电学院八教8316会议室


(1)Selected Concepts of Uncertainty Quantification in Engineering

Speaker: Prof. Michael Beer,  Leibniz University    Time: 9:00 am-10:00 am Dec.02.2019

(2)Reliable Simulation of Complex Systems and Networks Under UncertaintySpeaker: Dr. Edoardo Patelli,  University of Strathclyde
Time: 10:00 am-11:00 am Dec.02.2019

(3)Simulation Techniques for Bayesian Model Updating with Hybrid UncertaintiesSpeaker: Dr. Matteo Broggi, Leibniz University Time: 11:10 am-12:10 am Dec.02.2019
