
发布时间: 2014-10-23

报告题目:Human Interferences to Hydrologic Processes: Implications for Hydrology and Water Resources Management
报告人:蔡喜明 教授


       The human interferences to hydrologic processes include direct interferences such as water storage and diversions, groundwater pumping and return flows, and indirect interferences such as those altering vegetation and land cover, soils, topography and climate. The interferences are both extensive and intensive and have transformed hydrologic processes at spatial scales ranging from local to global.  The transformation has resulted in the violation of some conventional hydrologic principles, which assume human effects are fully assimilated by natural processes. In numerical modeling exercises, ignoring human interferences and the uncertainty involved can result in biased errors in numerical models designed for water resources management. This presentation will illustrate some of the footprints of human interferences in hydrologic processes (e.g., patterns changes in aquifer storage, flow recession, and evapotranspiration) and demonstrate the role of human activities as an unignorable component of hydrological systems. The reciprocal interactions and feedbacks between human activities and natural processes over space and time make it necessary to conceptualize and model watersheds and other water resources systems as coupled human-natural systems (CHNS), especially matching distributed natural processes with distributed decision making and consequences. A key issue is to understand how the dynamics of land and water management practices (resulting from human behaviors) co-evolve with the partition pattern of water and energy and the corridors of mass and energy flow at the various spatial and temporal scales. In academics, empirical and theoretical methods in hydrology need to be updated with consideration of the human component. While in practice, given the growing issues in complex systems characterized by the water-energy-food-environment nexus (i.e., the system of systems), interdisciplinary efforts should be enhanced to address growing human interferences, as well as changing climate.


      蔡喜明教授1990年获清华大学本科学位,1994年获清华大学硕士学位,1999年获德州大学奥斯丁分校博士学位,1999-2003在国际粮食政策研究所、国际水管理研究所从事研究工作。 2003年至今在美国伊利诺伊州立大学香槟分校任教。他开展了水资源管理、水经济学、生物能源以及全球气候变化等方面的研究,是流域水—经济模型,全球水—粮食模型的先驱者之一。

      他现任Water Resources Research主编(2013-),Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management的副主编(2009-今)、Water International编委(2010-),美华水工程师学会主席,曾任Water Resources Research副主编(2005-2009)等。发表SCI论文100余篇,获Water International (2005)、Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (2011)优秀论文奖。获美国自然科学基金杰出青年奖(National Science Foundation CAREER Award),Colonel Harry F. and Frankie M. Lovell Endowed讲座教授、首位周文德学者等荣誉。
