
发布时间: 2024-01-03

报告题目:Advances in Sediment Transport Dynamics – Hyperconcentrated and Debris Flows

报 告 人:吴伟明  教授

邀 请 人:曹志先  教授

时     间:2024年1月3日(星期三)下午3:00

地     点:水资源国重大楼B区109报告厅


吴伟明教授分别于1986、1988和1991年在武汉水利电力大学获得学士、硕士和博士学位,师从谢鉴衡院士。1995-1997年受亚历山大•冯•洪堡(Alexander von Humboldt)基金会资助在德国卡尔斯鲁厄大学(Karlsrhue University)从事河流数学模拟研究。现为美国克拉克森大学(Clarkson University) James K. Edzwald 讲座教授。

他开发了一系列关于河流,河口和海岸水流,泥沙,污染物输移和生态计算模型。他建立了若干泥沙运动经验公式。他的不均匀输沙公式已被国际同行推荐为最佳选择之一。他的专著“计算河流动力学”(Computational River Dynamics,2007)和“泥沙动力学”(Sediment Transport Dynamics,2023)由Taylor & Francis出版,标志着“计算河流动力学”分支学科的形成。吴伟明教授在国际期刊和会议上发表了超过150篇论文。他在2007年获得了世界泥沙研究学会(WASER)最佳论文奖。他是美国土木工程学会(ASCE)资深会员(Fellow)。他曾担任ASCE计算水力学委员会,大坝/堤防溃决专题委员会和泥沙委员会主席。曾于2008-2010年间担任国际泥沙研究(International Journal of Sediment Research) 副编, 2011-2019年间担任 ASCE 水利工程杂志(Journal of Hydraulic Engineering)副编,现为WASER副主席。


This seminar presents: (1) classifications of hyperconcentrated and debris flows; (2) rheological relationships of hyperconcentrated sediment slurries, including Bingham fluid model, granular flow model, quadratic model and Herschel-Bulkley model; (3) the velocity distribution and resistance of uniform muddy flows in laminar and turbulent regimes, and suspended sediment transport of uniform turbulent muddy flows; (4) the velocity distribution and resistance of laminated and turbulent granular flows, and the initiation and sediment transport of granular debris flows; (5) the velocity distribution and resistance of mixed-type flows, and the settling, incipient motion and sediment of coarse sediments in hyperconcentrated slurries; (6) the model equations and closures of gradually-varied hyperconcentrated and debris flows; (7) dynamic features of rapidly-varied hyperconcentrated and debris flows; and (8) the related morphological features. Focus will be given on the new knowledge described in Chapter 12 of the latest book《Sediment Transport Dynamics》by Wu (2023).

